On the job / Industrial market

Industrial Safety / On the job

For tough men and women on the job who need to keep a cool head

For men and women “on the job”, any kind of outdoor work is not only physically challenging but also requires smart and savvy measures, as even the fittest of workers are going to feel the impact of warm-hot weather with fairly high humidity levels.

For outdoor workers, this can be particularly challenging as the demands of daily work require them to work in hot and humid urban environments, where the ‘heat factor’ is actually compounded by traffic, buildings, and what have you.

Men on the job such as policemen, military men, constructions workers, firemen, rail road workers, miners, etc. are at a higher risk of suffering from heat stroke and extreme heat exhaustion because there’s only so much their bodies can do to keep them cool.

But you’re in luck – with INUTEQ’s innovative cooling vests and other cooling apparel, you can not only beat the heat but also do away with nuisances like sweaty hands and dizziness due to working long hours out in the sun – something which can pose a serious risk to not just your own wellbeing but also your co-workers and even the general public.

INUTEQ’s products boast unique cooling technologies which can help keep your head and body cool in extreme heat. We understand how professionals like you are tailored for certain jobs – jobs that other people refuse to do or simply don’t have the skills and abilities to do.

We love our servicemen and have created cooling technologies and apparel to ensure that you can safely perform your job from start to finish, without ever worrying about heat exhaustion.

When the mercury rises, the tough get going!

It’s inevitable – summers will arrive and with it comes high mercury readings. A heat wave is going to hit at some point, as news channels and articles online flood with ideas on how to stay cool. However, most of these tips and ideas involve staying indoors and finding cool spots to hang out such as your home or office, or even malls and movie theatres – places that are nice and chilly, thanks to air conditioning.

That’s perfectly sound advice for regular people, but what about ‘rough and tough’ hardworking people in, say, the defence or construction sector who must traverse all kinds of terrain under the sun and work in a variety of conditions, including blistering heat?

If you’re an outdoors worker, then you already know the challenges that come as part of the job. Taking breaks to go off into an air-conditioned room certainly isn’t an option as that will not only put a cap on your productivity but get you seriously ill due to the transition between hot and cold temperatures.

INUTEQ has you covered with cooling technologies that get the job done.

No better way to beat the heat

Even though there are a number of measures you can take to stay cool outdoors, nothing quite keeps your body temperature in check and your head cool like INUTEQ’s cooling technologies.